We explored the feasibility of distributingmisoprostol tablets using two strategies in prevention of postpartumhaemorrhage (PPH)\namong women residing in the Abhoynagar subdistrict of Bangladesh. We conducted a quasiexperimental study with a posttest\ndesign and nonequivalent comparison and intervention groups. Paramedics distributed threemisoprostol tablets, one deliverymat\n(Quaiyum�s delivery mat), a packet of five standardized sanitary pads, and one lidded plastic container with detailed counseling on\ntheir use.Allmaterials exceptmisoprostol were also providedwith counseling sessions to the control group participants. Postpartum\nblood loss was measured by paramedics using standardized method. This study has demonstrated community acceptability to\nmisoprostol tablets for the prevention of PPH that reduced overall volume of blood loss after childbirth. Likewise, the delivery\nmat and pad were found to be useful to mothers as tools for assessing the amount of blood loss after delivery and informing\ncare-seeking decisions. Further studies should be undertaken to explore whether government outreach health workers can be\ntrained to effectively distribute misoprostol tablets among rural women of Bangladesh. Such a study should explore and identify the\nprogrammatic requirements to integrate this within the existing reproductive health program of the Government of Bangladesh.